Chest procedures for men are rare as some men would rather suffer in silence than have their secrets revealed and risk humiliation from their peers.
Having a pigeon chest is the direct opposite of having a funnel or sunken chest. This may be due to uncontrolled growth of the ribs resulting in a highly prominent centre of the chest or a sharp ridge affecting your chest’s normal appearance.
At Marina Plastic Surgery, our chest surgeons hold your privacy in the highest regard. We offer high-quality services discreetly with results aimed at improving your self-confidence and self-esteem.
Having a prominent chest is one of the most desirable physical aspects for males but the saying too much of a good thing can be bad also holds true in this aspect.
Having a pigeon chest (pectus carinatum) is rarer than having a sunken chest. This condition has been linked to the development of heart diseases and scoliosis. For others, they develop too much rigidity in the chest wall which ultimately affects their breathing.
This condition often goes unnoticed until puberty hits and the rapid bone growth and development intensifies the appearance of the chest defect.
At Marina Plastic Surgery, we’ve dealt with chest conditions ranging from sunken or funnel chests to gynecomastia. We offer discreet services to respect your privacy. We have a long list of successful operations done with the majority of our patients providing us with positive statements and testimonials regarding the results of their chest operation.
Best Candidates
PMales with good general health and as close as possible to their ideal BMI based on age, height and other physical factors.
Males aged 8 to 21 and older with pigeon chest conditions can benefit from a pigeon chest treatment procedure.
What to Expect
An initial consultation will be done to assess what you essentially need for functionality with a secondary assessment by our chest surgeon done for the aesthetic purpose of the operation.
A chest X-ray or CT scan may be done to evaluate the extent of the defect in the internal structure of the chest.
Checking for allergies to metal may be done as metal implements will be used to correct severe cases of pectus carinatum.
Treatment is highly dependent on the type of chest condition you have. For patients with mild to moderate cases of pectus carinatum will have to wear a brace to improve their situation.
Physical therapy to strengthen the chest muscles and improve posture may be advised once improvements are seen.
More severe cases may require a modified Ravitch approach to correct the situation.
After Surgery / Recovery
As with all types of surgical procedures, caring for the areas where sutures were made is the highest priority. Following your chest surgeon’s instruction for the proper care of affected areas is highly advised.
Pain management can be administered by hospital staff or by the patient. It can be oral or through intravenous methods.
Physical therapy will be introduced gradually for muscle strengthening and fortifying the areas operated on.
Bar removal (if a bar was installed) will be removed after healing recovery within the operated area is at a satisfactory level. This is usually done 6 months after the operation.
Procedure Planner
Initial Meeting
45 – 60 minutes
30 – 60 minutes
Procedure Time
2 – 6 hours depending on the technique used (total number of weeks including bar installation and removal.)
Recovery Time
2 – 8 weeks (total number of weeks including bar installation and removal.)
Post-op Follow Up
1 week (bar removal is dependent on the patient’s recovery period)